Contract address: 0xD76050f75627e508fa14b84036fbF40b8cC549BD↗️

Max supply: 175,000,000

Decimals: 8

⬇️ Balances migrated from SCRIV blockchain ⬇️


Addresses in the snapshot: 6200

Initial distribution

%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'pie1': '#00FFFF', 'pie2': '#FFFFFF'}}}%%

pie showData title Max Supply Distribution

"Claimable" : 118033864.91
"Remaining (to be distributed via staking)" : 51966135.09

<aside> ℹ️ There was 4250757.69013869 SCRIV located on the SCRIV Burn Address. This amount was added to the “Remaining” category and will be redistributed via SCRIV staking.


%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'pie1': '#FFFFFF', 'pie2': '#00FFFF', 'pie3': '#89CFF0'}}}%%

pie showData title Claimable Supply Distribution

"Token holders" : 102288653.35253900
"Team fund" : 12934940.24910000
"Community fund" : 2810271.30836113

<aside> ℹ️ At the time of snapshot:

All team assets are stored at scriv.eth.


<aside> 🔥 SCRIV token has a burn contract function. Burn-related tokenomics is TBD.
